Monday, January 2, 2017

The moment "the blame game starts" , you can not succeed.

Most people are unable to understand the linkage between what they desire and what they deserve. You deserve on the strength of your effectiveness, your competencies and the strength of your connectivity with the ultimate reality. These need you to schedule your time to develop yourself continuously. And, that is not easy. The most easily picked up conditioned response is to blame others or circumstances in situations where results are not to expectations.
When you blame others, you give up your power to change; you create an environment of De-motivation around you by the negative energy of blaming. Success is in taking responsibility of the results as the first step for bringing in the desired results. Time spent in blaming is a total waste.
People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives. - J. Michael Straczynski

Most of the blamers are those people who have not succeeded to the appropriate level that they wish. They are mostly wishful thinkers that cannot transform the wish into well-formed-outcomes and goals and therefore, they hardly know what to do and if they know what to do, they hardly have the appropriate level of skills. Blamers have great imaginations. They can easily figure out the way of turning the facts and distorting the realities in a way that salvages their character or reputation. They believed if they accept the responsibility instead of blaming others or even blaming themselves, they will be dramatically undermined and degraded. They just cannot take the pain of degradation. They see a great level of relief in blaming others.
The way they perceive the mistakes or faults is either to blame themselves or to blame others. They have only two options. Instead of blaming themselves, they find it easier to blame others. If they learnt that there is another option and it is not blaming anybody but accepting the responsibility for correcting the situation and learning the skills, they would begin a new path in their life.

Blaming other people for the reason why you don't have something will give all your power away to the other person. Your life is your responsibility. And it's only when you take full responsibility for your life is when you actually do something about it.
When you blame somebody, in effect, it actually means you expect somebody else to change your life situation. It means you are waiting for the other person to redeem you of your problems. It isn't their life though, it's your life.

If you think seriously about it, it's actually your fault that you are not happy, it's your fault for not taking those great opportunities and it's your fault for letting another person take advantage of you.
Your life is in direct response to the way how you treat yourself as a person. Everything you have in your life is a manifestation of how you treat yourself, NOT how somebody else treated you or what somebody else has done.
The reason why we blame others is because we become uncertain about our own capabilities and we become thwarted by our problems in life. We tend to come up with excuses to stay away from what we should be doing.
The truth is we don't like to admit when we are wrong and when we are caught; we like to shift the blame to someone or something else. If we are stopped for speeding we immediately offer an excuse, such as "I was going with the flow of traffic" (blaming someone else) or "I didn't see the sign noting the speed change" (blaming something else). We try to excuse our behavior and lessen the guilt and even the consequence of our sin.
Regardless of how much you blame others, it will not change your life; but the less you blame others, the more you will exercise greater intuition and greater judgment about what's really going on. It means you rely on yourself to determine your outcomes in life and break through adversity and this is a powerful thing!
Take full responsibility for your situation and discover how you can create success for yourself without giving away your power. Ask yourself the following questions: Am I in charge of my life outcomes? Can I personally make things better in this situation? How can I take responsibility to become better?

When you do this, you grow to feel more independent, increase determination and grow stronger as you find new ways to enhance stronger character traits. Fulfill your deepest needs and take responsibility for your outcomes that you want to manifest into your life - from now onwards, to your life success and powers.

Stop blaming and start claiming Responsibility for your results
Unsuccessful people blame external circumstances; successful people internalize responsibility for their results. This represents a new way of thinking; a paradigm shift that is necessary for your progress. Until this shift takes place the unsuccessful continue to get more and more of what they don't want, and comically it is never their fault. The following poem illustrates the above explanation.

When the other fellow takes a long time, he's slow.
When I take a long time, I'm thorough.
When the other fellow doesn't do it, he's lazy,
When I don't do it, I'm busy.
When the other fellow does something without being told, he's overstepping his bounds,
When I do it, that's initiative.
When the other fellow overlooks a rule of etiquette, he's rude,
When I skip a few rules, I'm original.
When the other fellow pleases the boss, he's an apple polisher,
When I please the boss, it's cooperation.
When the other fellow gets ahead, he's getting the breaks,
When I manage to get ahead, that's just the reward for hard work.

A man may fall many times but he won't be a failure until he says someone pushed him. - Elmer G. Letterman

Peoples who cant dare enough blame there parents , family for not achieving there dreams. Turn the pages of history and you will find every successful great personalities faced strong opposition , clashes with there family and closed ones. No one able to accept unconventional ways easily. Only difference is they never blamed anyone, They Dared , Struggled , failed .. Taken the blame and finally They Make it happen!

The moment "the blame game starts", you are escaping your own responsibility.

And once you shirk your responsibility, you can not succeed.
So This New Year Stop Blaming others,  Dare to fail , Dare to accept the blame and you will slowly but definitely heading towards your Dreams.

Wish you Happy & Prosperous New Year 2017 !!!